Tuesday, September 11, 2007

UCB is reengineering its engineering curriculum

Since each of the programs in IS&T have undergone (or are undergoing) significant retooling, you might find this article of interest. It may also help us deepen our appreciation for the goals of the proposed SIS 2000 course. Quoting the article:
A major thrust of that effort will be mixing courses from the oft-derided "soft sciences" like sociology and economics, as well as law and design, into engineering students' academic load.

"That is the big, new thing that I'd like to do," Sastry said during a lunch meeting last week. "The time has come for us in engineering to look outwards. The stereotype has always been a quadrangle looking inward."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It may be of interest to find out (a) how they are doing this - on their own, with the help of faculty in the social sciences, integrating aspects of usability, manageability etc. into different courses, etc. (b) what parts of the engineering curriculum have had to be dropped to accommodate the introduction of the new subject areas (c) how resources have been provided to faculty to implement these changes and (d) how the impact of such a change is expected to be measured.